This summer is the first since 2001 that I have not been on campus or abroad with the
Hollins program. While I'm sad that chapter of my life has ended, it's been so nuts the past couple months that I didn't have time to miss it, oddly. I also knew I would be visiting, so that helped ween me away from this amazing place. I just got back from a week-long stay and feel like I had a chance to experience all that is good at Hollins.
I hung out with two of my survivors from the abroad trip.
I had a chance to see other alumni friends, including Valerie Patterson, who showed us an ARC of her upcoming book,
The Other Side of Blue. I was surprised and touched to see that I'm in the acknowledgments!
I went shopping and spent time with the new baby of one friend/former professor.
I attended a class, hung out with, and saw the brand-new log cabin of another friend/former professor.
I saw Harry Potter with a group of fellow alums and students (and we all cracked up when, during the "Sectum Sempera" scene with Draco, Harry waved his wand, the screen went dark, the house lights came up, and there was a HUGE crack of thunder).
I saw a reading of a wonderful children's play by a friend.
I heard an amazing speech about a career in editing by a very dear friend. It made me proud to know her and I hope some SCBWI chapters start snagging her for talks!
I gave a not-as-amazing but hopefully informative talk about applying and going to academic conferences.
I went to kareoke and found that my former co-division head can sing Prince VERY well.
I read a wonderful critical paper by
jadedmetaphor in the
Francelia Butler Conference.
I heard some amazing papers and stories at the Francelia Butler Conference.
I saw
kathleenfoucart for about a split second. Ironically, she was going to Maryland, very close to where I live, while I was in Virginia!
I painted the rock (ok, I was more management than labor)
I went book shopping and found some real gems
I ate a couple lunches at Hollywoods and had an AMAZING dinner at the original Wildflour
I found and purchased canned Haggis (one regular and one vegetarian) for a gift
Such a full, amazing, week. I'm hoping to return every summer for at least a week. I'm starting to think of some other talks I can do there; any excuse to return!