This is very weird. I'm NEVER up at 7:30 unless I absolutely have to be. Very, very strange.
Yesterday I had a marathon revision of "Tapestry Threads" from my critique group's suggestions. Still have a few more I want to wrap up. I'm a bit worried that it's been taking me so long to get back to the agent with a revision, but I'd rather sent it to her good than fast. I lost a few weeks too when my hands/wrists were hurting badly, too, plus the time I spent working on that project audition/proposal (but I'm not apologizing for THAT, that was/is just too good an opportunity to let pass me by!) It's been a while since I was able to sit down and devote that much time to writing, it felt great! Especially since I did it early Sunday morning (ok, early for me, 10AM-12PM), so then I felt writing-guilt-free the rest of the day.
I had an email from a friend yesterday who was concerned about finishing her thesis on time. I gave her advice I once heard at ChLA and think is very good advice. "Give yourself permission to write a mediocre thesis." Truer words were never spoken (although I think this is one of the very few areas of life where mediocre should be a goal!). Really, no matter HOW polished your thesis is, it most likely will need to be revised in some way if you want to get it published. I could have been giving my thesis to my crit group while I was working on it as a thesis, but I knew that would just take even longer and at the time it is too hard to juggle the opinions of 5 people in addition to thesis advisers. Now "Tapestry Threads" is unofficially done for Hollins (still waiting to get my signature sheet back so I can print up copies and get them bound), but there's more work to be done.
Oh! And before I forget, February reading list. These just seem so short these days. :(
Coraline by Neil Gaimon (reread)
Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
The Tales of Beetle the Bard by J.K. Rowling
A Caldecott Celebration
Tru by Eric Melbye (a signed gift from the wonderful
stregamomma, one of his students)
Children's Nonfic (reviews)
Arrg. I also never know how to list book on my palm pilot that I read when I'm waiting somewhere, out of town, etc, that take me a while to get through. I've been reading "Elfstones of Shannarra," "It," and "Flowers in the Attic" for more than a month now. But they're all re-reads.