All iWant is an iPod

Nov 28, 2006 19:40

Maybe with my catering money, budgeting, and more budgeting, it'll happen after the holidays.  Right?

So, update...
Laura's C-section is tomorrow at noon.  I'm headed to the hospital after work tomorrow night to meet the nephew.

We're doing our Christmas gathering at work on the 15th.  I'm hoping that Christmas with Dad's family is on the 17th, because I'm catering the night of the 15th and 16th.

John Croyle is funny looking.

I updated some Flickr pictures and there will be more of the baby tomorrow I'm sure.

Back to Gilmore :)

This is actually a pretty decent survey. It asks questions that haven't been asked a thousand times over. It asks questions that aren't obviously from a kid's point of view (in the last month, ever been caught sneakin out?). This survey might actually give your friends a chance to know you better, so please repost and give your friends that chance!

Part 1: The Birth of You

Were you a planned baby?: Well, I wasn't "unplanned"-- my parents were married and all

Were you the first?: Yes

Who was present at your birth?: Mom and Dad

Were your parents married when you were born?: Yep

What is your birthdate?: 10/7/1978

Part 2: The Family

Are you parents married or divorced?: Divorced, one's remarried

An only child?: I have a brother, stepsister and stepbrother

If you have siblings are you oldest, middle, or youngest?: Oldest

What are your sibling's names?: Brian, Laura and Rob

Which parent do you get along with best?: Mom

What do you fight about?: Stupid stuff

Do you have step parents?: One

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best friend?: Yes

What do you like to do when you are together?: Depends on who I'm with :)

Do you share the same interests?: Pretty necessary to being best friends, don't you think?

Which friend can you tell anything to?: Kelly or Brandi

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?: Low to average most of the time

Do you get depressed about things easily?: Yep

Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an introvert (reserved)?: Depends on who I'm with

Are you happy?: Mostly

Do you live life to the fullest?: I try

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you look? Trying to lose

Describe your hair? Below shoulder length brown hair

How do you dress? Business casual :)

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?: I was a nerd.  Still am.

What did you used to love that you no longer do? Stay up REALLY late and go to work REALLY early

Do you have the same friends?: The important ones

Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing? My parents' divorce was probably THE traumatic event

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?: I don't know what I want to be when I grow up

Are you scared of growing old?: Yes, but mainly because of the above

Do you want to get married?: Yes

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?: I'm not big on "heat" and "humidity" which means indoors alot since I live in Alabama

Favorite Season: Fall

Do you like walking in the rain?: LOVE the rain

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegetarian?: Nope

What is your favorite food?: Curry chicken from Surin West

What food makes you want to gag?: Eggs

What is your favorite dessert?: Cheesecake

What is your favorite restaurant?: Surin West or BBQ, depending on the mood

Are you a fussy eater? Very much

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Are you single or taken?: Taken

If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?: Graham

Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?: nope

Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest experiences?: Cabaret performance

What was one of the worst? Breaking up with a longterm boyfriend

Have you ever done drugs? Nope

Have you ever thought you were going to die?: Not so far
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