Yes, I am still alive

Jul 13, 2011 07:21

As the subject line says, I am still alive. I do check my friend's list daily I just don't often feel that I have the time to type out a entry here very often.

School is going well. I made the Dean's list last quarter. It wasn't that my grades weren't high enough the other quarter's I've been attending, it's that I wasn't taking full time credits. Well for Spring quarter I took full time credits and I managed to keep my 4.0 GPA and work full time. I'm very proud of that.

I'm back down to merely 10 credits for the summer (which most people consider full time becuase the summer quarter is shorter). I'm in Pre-calculus and Intro to Chemistry this quarter. And my bag weighs a ton. I weighed it the other night and it weighs 23.3 lbs. CRAZINESS.

What I really cam on here to post about was work realated, however.

A little less than a month ago, my new job (That I've been happily employed at for a year and a half now) hired "Bitch Nurse", the nurse that got me fired from my last job. Well she was hired for evening shift and they don't have me working the hall she was assigned to much anymore, so I just avoided her for the over lap she had finishing her work on night shift.

She was exactly the same as she had been at the last job. She just doesn't work well with others. About a week ago on evening shift there was an incident involving her getting into an argument with an aide. Well, that Aide's nurse stuck up for him. Things escalated, drama ensued.

I found out today that she'd been fired. For "Not meshing well with staff". I'm so happy. It's the same bullshit that ended in me getting fired from the last workplace, but being on night shift there were no witnesses. This time, it worked out differently.

And besides warning aides what to expect and to watch themselves around her, I did nothing. In fact, I never talked to her or acknowledged her presence the whole time she was there. She wasn't my nurse. XD

I cannot explain how happy I was after finding out the news today.

EDIT: Picture of my pile of textbooks. I carry this around with me everyday.

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