Title: Bright Red Star
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing(s): Josh/Donna
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Did you know the Manhattan was created in honour of presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden?"
Notes: Written for
writing_game prompt "so quick bright things come to confusion, so we grow together like to a double cherry."
"Did you know the Manhattan was created in honour of presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden?"
Josh is barely paying enough attention to nod, staring transfixed at the drop of whiskey that rolls down her wrist as she plucks the double cherry from her drink.
"You want half?" She raises the cherry to his lips, and he remembers to open his mouth only when she tilts her head, giving him an odd look. She takes the other half, her lips closing around the stem, and suddenly it's too hot in here, too bright; he can barely breathe.
"Josh?" She's staring at him, concerned, and he can't quite speak. He thinks, vaguely, that he may have swallowed the seed. "Are you okay?"
Dance with me, he wants to say, but nothing comes out. After a minute, he must look better, because Donna nods.
"Okay, well, I'm going to go rescue CJ. I think she's stuck talking to Senator Milford."
Stay, he tries, but it's no use; she's already halfway across the room. He watches as she touches CJ's arm, pretends to give her a message; her dress, the colour of cherries, shimmers under the light.
He leans back, and orders a drink.