Title: Lost Souls
Fandom: Dead Like Me/Reaper
Character(s): George, Sam
Word Count: 232
Rating: PG
Summary: The DMV is hell on earth in more ways than one.
Notes: Written for
Crack Crossover Drabblethon.
"I still don't get why I need to be here. I already have a fake identity. I'm Millie, remember?"
"New town, new identity. Those are the rules."
"Yeah, well, the rules are stupid."
George pouted as she looked around the DMV. It was smaller than the one in Seattle, dank and crowded. The only thing saving it, she thought, was that none of this was written down on a post-it.
"Coming through."
"Hey!" George spun around as she was pushed out of the way, and glared at the man now in front of her. He was carrying what looked like a kid's water pistol, and making his way towards one of the counters. "Some of us were here first."
The guy smiled; he would have been cute, if he wasn't so obnoxious. "This is kind of a special situation."
George rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, so is mine."
"Look, you seriously don't -"
George rushed forward at the sound, but she was beaten to the counter; glowering for a moment, she briefly contemplated exactly how much trouble she would be in if she yanked the guy's soul out just for the hell of it.
"Let it go," Rube said beside her. Deciding it probably wasn't worth the effort of yet another transfer, she stepped back.
"Finally," George muttered under her breath. Stepping up to the counter, she stopped short.