I don't know what to feel or think or ANYTHING. Andrew keeps asking me what I thought and I keep saying, "I DON'T KNOW, I DON'T KNOW" because I DON'T know. So here are some EXTRAORDINARILY DISJOINTED thoughts. Expect capslock. LOTS. OF. CAPSLOCK.
This was an AMAZING finale.
BUT. NO PILOTS. And I hate to reduce it to shipping. I really do. But I feel ... well, I feel kind of cheated. And there's a part of me saying I SHOULDN'T feel that way because it's been an absolutely amazing ride and I love my show and it will always be my show NO MATTER WHAT. So I feel so guilty. But dammit, I wanted at least ONE OF MY SHIPS to make it. It was clear midway through that wouldn't be Kara/Sam, so I had pinned all my hopes on Kara/Lee. Only to be left with ... nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Apparently my girl just ... disappeared? Or something? Yeah yeah yeah, I KNOW she was an angel and all that and I can accept that, totally. I'm down with it. But for her to just kind of vanish and leave him like that, now that disappointed me. I don't know. I guess I was just expecting MORE. And so I do have sort of a bad taste in my mouth.
But there's always fic. Mwahahahahahaha.
Otherwise, I think everything was pretty much perfect.
Adama/Roslin. (YOU GUYS ARE SO LUCKY, YO.) Their ending was just beautiful, and exactly how I hoped it would be. It made me cry - well, EVERYTHING is making me cry these days, but whatever - and was just so lovely in its simplicity, its maturity, its breadth and depth of feeling. So many little moments that I can hardly even name them all, but the wedding ring one particularly stands out to me. Oh, Bill and Laura. Don't ever change. (You'll live on in the hearts of a thousand fic writers.)
Most of my favourite characters actually survived. I was surprised by this.
They didn't kill Helo!!!!! I was SURE they were going to, and so I burst into tears AGAIN when they showed them walking through the field all relaxed and happy. But this time, they were tears of joy. ;)
I kind of love the explanation behind the head!characters. And I DEFINITELY love the way they were shown in the present, with the link to everything going on in our world and the cameo by RDM. AWESOME.
Speaking of our world, guess that means we're all descended from those original colonists, hey? Cooooool.
They did kill Sam. But honestly, that seemed like the right way for him to go. It felt good. So I was okay with it.
The finale had just the right mix of action and emotional hits. The flashbacks continued and they were awesome. I was pretty scared during the battle scenes, but at the same time, I don't think Show would have been Show without them. Very, very fitting.
Cavil. I LOVE Cavil!snark. Though I found it a tad weird (and sorta-kinda a cop-out) that he just blew his brains out at the end. Ah well.
Boomer on the other hand DID get a heroic death, though I totally saw it coming. I knew she was going to kill Simon before she did, and it sort of made a nice callback to her saying that she wanted to snap Hera's neck in Rapture - because she killed Simon by snapping his neck. I might have preferred to not have them kill her, but I guess in the end it was the only choice they could have made.
Talking of deaths, TORY GOT HER RECKONING. Oh, I was so VERY pleased to see that. I would've been really pissed if Tyrol hadn't found out and if Cally's death had gone unavenged, or if he'd found out and just decided not to do anything. Again, I sort of knew/hoped it was coming just based on the "Oh SHIT" look on Tory's face once Ellen (I think?) talked about how they'd see everything about everyone else once they were linked to the data stream. When Chief attacked her I actually did stand up and cheer. I'm not above admitting that.
Baltar and Caprica Six end up together. This is, I think, perfect.
I'm still not too sure about exactly how the opera house was connected to all this. Apparently the opera house was Galactica and the auditorium was CIC? Kinda cool, but hearkens back to something someone said on
battlestar_blog way back when: "You will know the truth, but you won't understand it." Heh.
Galactica herself got a fitting death as well. (Though I did not expect her to take the rest of the fleet with her.) Everything about this episode just seemed really, really fitting. Except the Kara/Lee thing.
I figured they'd end up back on Earth. I wasn't sure where or how, but I knew they would. And they did.
Religion factored into the ending a bit too much for my taste, but I suppose I can handwave that.
I just got a fic idea. Kara/Lee. But I'm not sure if I'll have time to actually do anything with it, since my main focus is Insanity Underrated right now. (Also, my
bsgficexchange fic is due this Sunday. Whoops, better get to work on that.)
Not sure if I have anything more to say, though I'm sure detailed meta will occur to me at 3:00 a.m. tomorrow morning when all detailed meta ideas come. We shall see.
(Put this edit inside the cut because it occurred to me it was a mite spoilery to be out in the open.)
EDIT: Katie and I are talking on IM (of course hahahaha) and she asked me point-blank if K/L's ending makes me reconsider writing Insanity Underrated, knowing "how it all turned out." Well, no. It doesn't. Not one bit. So if those of you reading it are willing to go on a journey with me that will, I hope, be slightly better-written than RDM's in K/L's regard, then I'm willing to take you there.
My show is over, and I honestly feel like someone died. Stupid maybe, but dammit, no matter how ready I thought I was ... I wasn't.
Goodbye, BSG. I will never love again.