Sorry this one was a little while in coming. Due to various personal issues, I haven't been able to write and update as quickly as IU readers have been spoiled into come to expect. ;) Hopefully it'll pick up a bit now.
Title: Insanity Underrated
amidala_thracePrevious Chapters: Can be read
Characters/Pairings: Kara/Lee, Kendra Shaw
Word Count: 4,825
Spoilers: Through "Razor"
Rating: PG
Summary: “I’ll not allow them to take any more prisoners, Captain. You saw what they were doing in there.”
Author's Notes: I decided that there was only one way to tell the "Razor" story, and that is through a combination of present-day scenes and flashbacks. After all, that's the way it is in canon. ;) The arc itself will once again be split over a couple chapters, because there's a lot to cram in.
Read it here @ jedionpaper