It's late and I'm going to bed, but here's another chapter. :)
Title: Insanity Underrated
amidala_thracePrevious Chapters: Can be read
Characters/Pairings: Kara/Lee, Adama and others mentioned
Word Count: 4,206
Spoilers: Through S2's "Sacrifice"
Rating: NC-17 (sexual scenes)
Summary: “Captain.” The quiet, determined voice of Bill Adama flowed into her ear. “I hate to drag you and Lee away from your R&R, but we have a situation developing over there that we could use your help with.”
Author's Notes: We move into a new sequence of events in this chapter, one that, I'm not ashamed to say, I've been looking forward to writing for almost a year now. The plot surrounding the episode "Sacrifice" was one of the first to be outlined for Insanity Underrated, and I've been so excited about just writing the last few days that I almost forgot to post this chapter! ;) But, here it is now. :)
Read it here @ jedionpaper