Primer to See How Deep the Bullet Lies

May 14, 2013 21:15

So I've written mostly written a CM/Mass Effect fusion, but unfortunately, most of the people who will read it have absolutely no idea about anything regarding Mass Effect. Due to the nature of the universe, it's not something that really can be boiled down in a short paragraph, and I felt like a glossary would be a little overkilly, so here is your primer:

In 2149, a human exploration team discovered that a moon of Pluto was not really a moon at all, but actually a kick-ass space transportation device. In their infinite wisdom, they go ahead and test it out, which eventually led to a thing called the First Contact War, which is entirely unimportant to this story. The semi-important thing is that the space-transportation device (called a mass relay) functions using mass effect wibbly wobbly (hey that’s the name of the game). This mass effect wibbly wobbly is also responsible for giving people kick-ass telekinetic powers (known as biotics), that they can use to do a lot of cool things. Mass Effect (the first) took place in 2183. Here, badass space marine Commander Shepard did awesome things and discovered that an ancient race of invincible aliens known as the Reapers are basically going to murder everyone. Nobody really believes it. Classes are split in 6 kinds - full combat (soldier), full biotic (adept), full tech (engineer), combat-tech (infiltrator), biotic-combat (vanguard), and tech-biotic (sentinel). I tried to spread the classes out evenly between characters. Everything else that comes up is generally “word-building background stuff that doesn’t really matter and if I wrote about it this primer would be longer than the fic itself”. If you have any questions regarding anything else story, ask and I will attempt to answer. Part one to follow this post.

category: gen, story: see how deep the bullet lies, criminal minds, mass effect

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