It's been a while since I've posted anything fic related. I swear, I have a reason. Not a very good reason, granted, but a reason nonetheless. I like to call that reason Video Game Madness. I made it to 2005 about six years too late when I bought my brother's old XBox 360 off of him last week, and since then I've been playing Mass Effect and its shockingly titled sequel, Mass Effect 2 for the past few days straight. Today I told myself I wouldn't play, because I have cleaning to do, and I haven't written anything in forever, but I get the feeling that once it hits mid afternoon, I'm probably going to drift over to the TV and go kill some Collectors.
Working on CM oneshot re: Emily's Interpol past at the moment, which I would like to finish before I go back to uni tomorrow. This semesters subjects are Psychology and the Justice System; Developing Professionally; Science, Skepticism and the Paranormal; and Linguistics 1A. More subjects than I need to be doing, but I'm doing them all anyway. Probably going to regret that fact in a few weeks time.
And as a complete aside, have a cool Stargate video that makes me want to rewatch SG-1:
Click to view
Edit. Embedding the video would probably help.