Title: The Clockwork Boy
Rating: R
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Universe: Creatures of the Night (Part 2)
Pairing: Reid/Austin, Morgan/Prentiss; JJ/Hotch
Genre: Supernatural/Drama
Summary: Reid is searching for answers. JJ, Hotch and Morgan are searching for Reid. Prentiss and Rossi investigate a series of deaths that are related to an old case. Things are much more twisted than they seem. AU.
Chapter Twelve
Staff moved into an offensive position, David Rossi darts his eyes in a one hundred and eighty degree arc. There are six of them, all sorcerers of some variety, and their power levels are not to be scoffed at.
Jordan’s fingers are surging with electricity, light jumping from one finger to the next. She gives him a glance, waiting, it seems, for the go-ahead. Emily has her side-arm out, but there’s a look on her face that suggests she doesn’t think it will do a lick of good, and she’s probably right. If they’re dealing with power levels like this, then bullets will bounce right off the shields that are in place.
‘You don’t happen to have a sword on you?’ she mutters, and he’s amused to note that it’s annoyance in her voice, rather than fear. As though this is just another day in the life. And really, it is - for all three of them. Reid had informed him of a statistical analysis once, that had determined that being a part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was one of the ten most dangerous jobs in the world. The death rate was pretty high, and considering the types of people (and creatures) they usually deal with, it’s not surprising in the least.
Still, that doesn’t mean that their present predicament is to be taken lightly.
He taps a rune that’s carved near the top of his staff, infusing it with some of his life energy. Nothing appears to happen, but then, that’s the point. He’s just called for back-up, and depending on where the closest team is, it could take anywhere from thirty seconds to five minutes. Teleportation technology is still a little iffy.
Another burst of light comes from their assailants, and this time, he sees it for what it is - an intimidation tactic. Whoever these people are (And he knows they’re definitely not very nice people) they’re not looking to kill.
Of course, that isn’t always good news.
It’s hard to torture a corpse. And necromancy isn’t an exact art.
If he had to guess, he’d say that these people are from one of the “extremist” groups, and that they would really like to know who is responsible for a member’s death.
He gives a nod in return to both Jordan and Emily, and lets a little more energy flow into the staff. These sorcerers might be powerful, but the FBI does not take amateurs. Aiming the staff in the direction of the trees, he sends a burst of green light in their direction. Of course, it’s not just green light - it’s Green Flame.
The light passes through the trees without inflicting any damage upon them, but then, it’s not designed to touch plant-life. He’s an offensive caster, not a botanist. He watches as both the Green Flame, and the bullets that Emily’s firing bounce right off their shields, and he swears. More powerful than he’d thought.
He sees it now - three of them at the back, three at the front. Three offensive, three defensive. The defensive are holding up the shields while the offensives attack. As unwise at it sounds, they need to split up. Assuming the sorcerers split equally, he can handle a single defensive shield no problem. It’ll also throw them off.
This is going to be interesting.
* * *
She drops the gun, just as Rossi gives the order to scatter. It’s clear that the bullets aren’t doing anything, and anyway, she’s always preferred hand-to-hand combat.
She runs through the trees for long enough to confirm that there are at least two of them following her. She manages to dodge the bursts of energy - vampire reflexes are good for some things.
She slows slightly - an illusion of allowing them to catch up. When they’re less than twenty feet behind her, she executes a rapid kick off the nearest tree, and then dives towards them. When dealing with witches and wizards, she’s found that close combat is the best offence as well as the best defense - this close, it’s difficult to set off any spells that won’t affect themselves as well.
She tackles the first wizard to the ground, noting the look of surprise on his face. She’s not as strong as most vampires, but she can hold her own, and she can definitely pack a better punch than a wizard.
Sensing the second one coming up behind her, she pushes herself off the ground, narrowly missing the staff that’s swinging for her head. Her feet firmly on the ground once more, she tries to grab for the staff, noticing too late the bead of white light that’s starting to form on the tip.
Close-combat magic will work, if it’s designed to only hit the person they’re trying to take out. She’s pretty sure neither of the wizards she’s fighting have a vulnerability to sunlight.
She pulls at the staff, trying to break the connection, but it’s too late. The bead is spreading into a flash, and already she can feel the burning pain against her skin. It’s not enough to reduce her to ashes, but it’s definitely enough to incapacitate.
The light overwhelms her, and she feels the pit of her stomach slowly rising, bile forming. Her strength fades, and she manages to utter a single word before losing herself to unconsciousness: