(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 21:48

Ok, So I was sitting in a classmates car, getting ready to go up to class, when over the radio, the announcement comes. Heath Leger is dead.

My mind went blank. It just couldn't process it.

What's bothering me is that the media keeps saying "It's drugs."

Technically, yes. It's Drugs. but not in the sordid way you want us to believe.

It was sleeping pills. Several sources have reported that he had been having problems sleeping, especially after his role as the Joker, which gave him horrible nightmares. He had mentioned that two Ambien were only giving him an hour's sleep.

Maybe it was suicide. Maybe it was an unintentional overdose.

Regardless, there was a problem. A big one. Did you know that lack of sleep really WILL kill you? It causes hallucinations. Compromised immune systems. Mood swings. And DEATH.

It just really bothers me. He wasn't known for snorting coke and being drunk at all the parties. He was an actor, first and foremost.

He will be missed.

R.I.P., Heath.


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