Apr 18, 2004 00:47
i feel kinda stupid for doing no work at all today except reading some anthro.. i decided to just not ever read the book for lit and just read a summary online instead, because it's getting to that point where you just have to let stuff drop in the hopes you can keep up what's important.
plan for tomorrow:
!pirating/reading on the island
!a capella (mansi is singing! she thinks we are insane but it's ok bc really that's not too untrue)
!Quadstock til whenever
!spanish video/clips/write presentation
ps so tonight isabel and i took jane and eve and eve's two prospy's to go visit francis, only eve+2 wound up just standing outside (in the GORGEOUS SUMMER NIGHT WEATHER) while jane eb and i stalked around the science quad tunnels and scared francis, and then got scared ourselves by some janitor's keys jingling like a million feet away, so when elizabeth yelled "RUN RUN" we ran ran like assholes out the door and yeah that was a good time. unlike that other time when we walked around campus for an hour and there was nothing to do. oh wait that's every weekend.
i am sad that there are only two weekends left and one of them is going to be spent with 20 hours of schoolbus (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGDSFSKLEQW) and the next with paper writing frenzy and it is like teh end of summer camp only with homework to do that steals the last hours of fun time. and that is saddening.
plus i reeeeeeeeeally don't want to have to pack up all my shit and then just have it sit in my room at home all summer bc tehre is no way i'm going to unpack it just to repack in august no siree.
pps isabel's midlife crisis and is due in 5 days. i'm excited. especially because we get to thursday it up beforehand. yes, thursday is a verb.