NCIS DiNozzo/McGee pre-slash, Alive

Mar 10, 2007 21:20

Title: Alive
Summary: This is wrong screams over and over in his head.
Rating: PG-13?
Challenge: For ncis_flashfic original characters challenge.
Characters: Tony DiNozzo, Tim McGee, and a couple original characters.
Notes: No spoilers. Pre-slash, unbeta'd. This is probably going to become an excerpt for a longer story, but I'm not sure. And of course, I own the show, AND I have some great beach front properties you might be interested in. Meet you in Antarctica in three weeks. I'm horrible at titles.
Feedback: is love, even if you hate the story and wish I never wrote it or that you never read it. :)

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The hospital smells with just the same amount of antiseptic as it always does, and Tony finds this comforting. The regularity of it. This smell means your colleague is being patched up. This smell means that he isn't dead yet. This smell means that he has a chance to fight.

McGee has a chance to fight. McGee was only in a coma because the doctors put him in it. McGee woke up three days later when the swelling in his brain subsided as if he was a messenger from God to the peons that hi, I do listen every once in awhile.

Tony walks into McGee's room with a smile. "How're you doing, Probie?"

From the corner of the room Tony hears, "What's a probie?" He controls his alarm. It's just a girl, maybe eleven or twelve, in a tank top and jean shorts. Not a threat.

"It's a nickname for probationary officers. It's what senior agents call the new guy on the team," Tim explains. His voice is rough but there's none of the usual exasperation.

"Oh," the girl says, with a limited amount of interest. Her attention is largely focused on the three people standing around a mannequin on the television. She pushes her brown hair behind one ear. "So Ben's like the probie in the family?"

McGee laughs at that, feebly. Tony winces in sympathy. He's been in McGee's position, with a bullet wound an IV that did wonders for dulling the pain but only to an extent. Not ready for too much movement quite yet.

A commercial comes on and the girl turns in her chair to face McGee. "Do you need anything?"

"No, honey," Tim says. "I'm fine. Thank you, though."

Tony squints at that. "I don't think we've met," he says to her.

"Of course you have, Tony," McGee says. "You met at the party." At Tony's blank look he adds, "Ellen. My stepdaughter."

This isn't right, a voice whispers in the corner of Tony's mind. He brushes the surprise off. "Of course," he say, thick with sarcasm. "The party. How could I forget?" Neither of them answer, and Tony is almost disappointed. He would like to know how himself.

There is a tap at the door, and a tall woman with short blonde hair wearing a skirt and blazer enters the room. She smiles at Tony and Ellen before going to McGee's side and kissing his mouth. "Hi," she says.

"Hi," he smiles.

He recognizes the woman and suddenly he knows. May Brennen from Baltimore. She started at the prosecutor's office right around the same time he started at the PD. They went out once in awhile when her ex showed up for his weekends with their toddler. One time he hadn't, and Tony showed up when May still had a sobbing baby on her hip and kid snot all over her pretty dress. And maybe Tony couldn't hide the clawing desperation he felt when he saw that--desperation to get the fuck out of the building, fast, and away--because May sighed and said, "This isn't going to work out." He never remembered the kid's name--but Ellen did sound about right.

This is wrong the voice in his head is getting more persistent with every second he sees May with her hand in McGee's and Ellen with her metal-filled smile. He sees the light catch on her wedding ring and knows that McGee has one to match. Suddenly he knows--he doesn't remember, he knows--McGee and May got married about a year ago; she was noticeably pregnant.

"Hey--um--I, you know," Ellen starts, and Tony has this sickening urge to make her shut up, because he feels it. He feels that she's about to change things even more and Tony can't stand letting her, but he stays in his spot just inside the door. "I was thinking, and. Like." She takes a deep breath and lets it all out in a rush of, "I like wanted to know if Tim could maybe, like adopt me or something since he's more like a dad than my other one ever was anyways." She takes another deep breath and surveys her handiwork.

"Well," May hedges. Her eyes flick to Tony. "Honey, this is really something we should discuss in private."

Ellen sinks. She turns back to the television but she stares right past it. "I just wanted to know if it was a possibility." Wrong, wrong, wrong the voice says louder with each word.

"Your mom's right, Ellen," McGee says and Tony could kiss him for being the voice of reason. "But, once we do get a chance to discuss it, if it's what you really want, and if your mom agrees. Well," he looks up at May and Tony can see her smile with such hope in her eyes, "I would be honored to."

"Really? Ohmigawd this is great!" She darts out of her chair and to the other side of McGee's bed. "I'm sure, I'm totally sure I want you to be my dad!" She moves to hug him; she actually waits an extra second to figure out where to put her arms so that she won't cause McGee any pain.

This isn't right repeated in his head. Still, Tony plasters a smile on his face. "Congratulations," is all he can think to say and he's sure that didn't come out right. It's not as if they notice, though, because they're having a happy family moment with a baby he's sure wasn't sitting by McGee's feet a second ago. They don't notice Tony stumble out of the room. Nobody notices Tony---

---wake up. As soon as he recognizes the shadows on the ceiling as the one in his bedroom, he bolts upright.

"What the fuck?" he asks the people who aren't in the room with him.

And he remembers. He remembers McGee getting shot because the seaman they were chasing had his finger on the trigger as Tony tackled him to the ground, frantically getting McGee to the hospital, and finding out more quickly than they ever had that McGee was going to be okay. He remembers the sick feeling of seeing May kiss McGee and the wedding ring.

"What the fuck?" he asks again.

tim mcgee, fic, tony dinozzo, ncis

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