Harry Potter, Sirius' Collar, Sirius/Remus

Oct 29, 2006 21:27

Title: Sirius’ Collar
Writer: Kate Shelby, societal_casualty at yahoo dot com
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Owned by JKR, I just like making them gay.
Summary: Remus always had a bit of the sentimental type inside him, and Sirius is touched by it.
Feedback: Yes, please! I’m always trying to improve.
Warnings: Slash, mildly implied. Please flame me, I could always use a good laugh. Still working on getting a beta, that's why I'm only posting it here for the mo.
Notes: Started because I added to my Sirius ‘Have You Seen This Wizard?’ shirt and some girl just had to share her opinion, as I rambled about here. Hope something good came out of homophobia now!


It started out as a joke that he even had the collar, anyways. He left it behind that day, and Remus couldn’t stop himself from keeping it.

Sirius held it so carefully when he found it on the table at Grimmauld Place, he held it like one wrong move might scare it away. A small glimpse of Sirius during those early years, what he might have been like trying to hold on to one happy memory in that awful place, assaulted Remus as he watched from the doorway.

“I thought you’d given up on me,” Sirius whispered, so serious and not. . .just not Sirius.

Remus just looked on; there was nothing he could say.

“You kept it, all these years?”

“I’d thought, ‘Maybe. . .’”

“I should have waited for you to get back that day. How we left things-I just needed to get out and then it came to me that P-”

“Sirius,” Remus interrupted. “Don’t. Please.”

Sirius bowed his head and heard Remus’ footsteps fade away.

Remus was in an armchair reading when Padfoot bounded up to him and jumped so his front paws rested on the arm of the chair, the book was knocked away in the process.

“Not now,” Remus muttered and swatted him down. “You’re so insufferable sometimes.” They were so different with other people around, they could banter on like they used to, like nothing had happened. In privet, every nuance came back and told them each was different from imperfect memories. Remus picked up his book and ignored Padfoot’s other attempts. Padfoot whined and it made Remus sigh. “No fair; you sound so pitiful, no one with a heart could ignore that. What do you want?”

Padfoot nudged his head under Remus’ hand until it was at his neck, on the black leather collar.

“Oh, you’ve put it back on,” Remus said with disinterest and took his hand back to find his lost place in the book.

Frustrated, Padfoot vigorously shook his head to draw Remus’ attention back to what he’d intended.

Success. Remus was drawn to the sound, metal against metal. He didn’t remember ever hearing that on Padfoot before. When Padfoot stopped, Remus’ hand was drawn back to the collar and traced its length. The small hook of it that had been unused since it graced Sirius’ neck, where the tags were supposed to go in case the dog got lost. Sirius had added two small, blue platelets.

“Sirius,” Remus breathed as he read both of them a second time. On one, ‘Snuffles’ was artfully engraved, on the other-

“-If found, please return to Remus J. Lupin.”

He was Sirius again, the collar was looser around his human neck. “That is,” he said, “if you’ll have me. I know what I’ve done before. But I’m not that anymore. I’ve grown up a bit.” Remus closed his eyes and Sirius faltered. Finally, he just asked, “Will you have me?”

“Of course.”

After, when Sirius. . .

Remus didn’t even have the collar that meant nothing, then. Because it meant everything then, and Remus never got to have anything that meant something for long.

He guesses it was before they met the Muggles at the station that he was curled in on himself, unable to cry. A few of the Order were gathered at that retched house. Someone had told them, or someone just figured it out.

He remembered Molly gasping. “You mean they were. . .”

Tonks, probably, because Tonks was a very bright girl. And Sirius had to get someone to make the tags.

“But,” Molly’s voice again, any other time the disbelief would have had him snorting, “they were such respectable gentlemen.”

That dragged out Remus’ laughter.

fic, harry potter

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