Firefly, Dull, Jayne/Simon

Oct 29, 2006 20:43

By: Kate Shelby
Warnings: mild het, cheating, and vague character wounding. Alas, not really porny.
Notes: For Communicator, who asked for "you're happy when I'm I'm on my knees" from The Clash's "Should I Stay or Should I Go." I hope this is something like what you had in mind. I am really, really sorry that this is so late. I hope it's worth the wait. Thanks to Erin for reading this when she didn't know what was going on and Simmy for reading it when she did. For the Jayne_Simon like poetry ficathon.

She’s all around him.

They’re sitting on the grating that’s warm from their bodies and the engine; they’re passing this bottle of sweet orange alcohol. Simon is nearly certain no one else in the crew would pick for themselves, except Inara and she is on the planet with her shuttle, too.

Simon clutches the bottle with the realization. It stuns him. He can’t escape it. Jayne nudges him and reaches across him for the bottle. Simon sways back into him and stays there until one of them wakes up.


Simon has his arms around Kaylee’s curves. He doesn’t remember the last time anything felt so perfectly right. She turns her head to see his face with a smile that makes Simon think of a honeydew, and he has to see if she tastes like one. He cuts off whatever she was saying and sees Mal’s disapproving look and Jayne roll his eyes. Zoë just smiles a little wistfully before she leaves the cargo bay. Kaylee’s kiss reminds him of the core.


The Tams could trace their ancestry back to Earth That Was with clear surety, not that anyone would argue.

Sylvester Bartholomew Tam was an engineer on the team who designed the terra forming process the Alliance still uses today. (Simon doesn’t see a need to throw the fact around on Serenity.)

Suzuka Pifer-Tam was a politician instrumental in bridging the gap between the Easterners and Westerners in the early days of the Panic over the deteriorating condition of Earth That Was, when the need for cooperation was still being ignored.

William Pifer was the Assistant Deputy Chairperson of the Treasury when the First Nuclear Conflict erupted. He died valiantly protecting the Board of Executives, or so the story went. River had always believed that old Uncle Willie was actually a double agent who grew tired of the conflict and died in the arms of his Colombian lover who was forgotten by history.

The story will say that Simon Tam was a brilliant doctor until he lost his mind and floated off somewhere in the black. River Tam, even more brilliant than her older brother, ran away never to be seen again or perhaps served her government in some courageous way. And if family lore was kind enough and the children hearing the story were young enough, Simon and River might have run off together to become crazy old spinsters curing sick heathens.

Simon buries his face in Kaylee’s hair and smells the homey, gritty scent that had built up over the day.

She wakes up when the lights blink on for morning. “Hi,” she smiles.

“Hi.” Simon opens his eyes.

“Brand new day.” Kaylee looks so kind that Simon’s heart aches with it.

“Brand new day,” Simon agrees and kisses her.


They’re drinking again. They’re against the engine room because Jayne says he likes it there. Simon is sick of it. He stands up with the bottle-good, old fashioned sake this time, his grandfather would die to see how Simon’s drinking it-and Jayne’s grabbing hand follows it.

“Wha-” Jayne starts.

“We’re going where I like it.”

“No we ain’t. I’m comferble. Siddown. Gorram. Yer a pain.”

“Fine. This bottle and I will just have to go elsewhere.” Simon starts walking. When he hears Jayne’s footsteps behind him after the second corner, he breathes again.

Now they’re leaning into each other on the bed in the infirmary. Jayne doesn’t let the bottle go this time, he holds it up to Simon’s mouth until he sputters and some of it drips on his cheek.

Jayne licks it up. His tongue is hot and wet and feels different. Simon turns into it; they fall.

They’re lying on the bed. Simon’s on top and he must not be that drunk, because he hasn’t fallen off yet. Although Jayne must be, because he’s abandoned Simon’s mouth and is still licking his face and neck, and his hands are all over Simon’s back. Jayne’s arms are huge. They could hold the universe and it would hardly wobble. Simon could cling to Jayne’s biceps and just stay there, forever.

But he can feel Jayne half hard against himself and he thinks, “couldn’t this be better?” He wedges a hand between their bodies and Jayne’s stomach is warmer than anything Simon’s hands remember feeling. When Simon arches up to get at the button in Jayne’s pants, however, Jayne bucks him to the floor. Its coldness is stunning to Simon.

“I thought...” Simon starts.



“Give a person some warnin’fore ya do that.”

Jayne joins him on the floor, and suddenly it’s a lot warmer.

A piercing scream jolts Simon awake. Jayne’s on his feet and grabbing the gun from his pants on the other side of the room before Simon’s on his feet. They rush through the door. They see Kaylee frowning at River and River whispering something to her.

Simon asks “River?” at the same time Jayne demands “What happened?”

Kaylee looks at them; Simon’s suddenly aware that he hadn’t gotten dressed. He can feel every bite and hickey on his body acutely.

“I...can explain.” Simon grimaces as she runs away.

“That was supposed to be a warning,” River says, deadpan. Jayne sneers at her before going back into the infirmary for the rest of his clothes.

“Next time, try to think of something less alarming.” Simon’s at a loss for what else he should be doing.

“I don’t think there will be a next time, Simon.” She starts out stern but by the end was struggling to keep a smile off her face. “You should get dressed. It’s chilly in here.”

Simon’s eyes get wide and she picks up the shopping bag Kaylee had dropped; and River walks off. Jayne budges by him and goes the opposite direction.

No one would look Simon in the eye for days.


“We got drunk. I’m sorry.”

Kaylee’s face is stoic. “I kinda suspected.”

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.” Simon thinks of willing himself to his knees, but he doesn’t think it will help at all.

“Seems like hurtin’s all you ever been doing.”

“You deserve better than that.”

“Yeah, I do!” This is the most animated Simon remembers Kaylee being in a week, with her eyes squinting and her voice louder. “Ya coulda told me afore I went all quiverin’ an’ quakin’ over ya!”

“I didn’t know then,” says Simon quietly. “I thought-”

“Well I don’t care. Not now.” She leans back against the wall beside her bunk. “I don’t know when I’ll forgive you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry don’t take away the hurt.”

Simon casts his eyes to the metal surrounding them. “I’ll leave.”

“That won’t do it, either.”

“What will, then?” Simon tries to bottle down his exasperation.

“I don’t know,” Kaylee says quietly. “Try an’ be happy. I will, too.” She kicks forward on the stairs and climbs down. Simon’s assaulted by the bright colors of her room flooding into the hallway.


He finds Jayne in a bar on the planet.

“You still here?” Jayne asks. “Thought you’d be half way gone by now.”

“They’re letting me stay. Mal said that it was Kaylee’s decision and she...said that I can stay here.” The bar is as quiet as the sunrise. Simon can hear the blood expanding through the veins in the back of his brain with his heartbeat.

“Can I stay?” he asks timidly. He hasn’t been this kind of nervous since well before med acad.

“Sounds like you already got that situated.” Jayne is almost as detached as Kaylee had been.

“I mean.” Simon pauses, considering his words carefully. “With you.”

Jayne squints up at him from his chair, but to Simon it feels like Jayne is standing millimeters from his face. “That was down right mean to Kaylee. Down right mean to me. This’s the best job I have. Mal’d put me out a airlock.”

“No, he won’t. He said it was up to Kaylee. He said it wasn’t his business what the crew does to themselves.”

“It really don’t matter to him?” Jayne asks.

“No, it doesn’t.”

Jayne stands up and his chair clatters to the floor. Simon’s aware of the bartender and few other patrons looking up at them. “Well, maybe it matters to me.”


One catastrophe, one life saving operation after another and Simon is exhausted. The Alliance has been chasing the crew of Serenity and finding them more often than made everyone comfortable. The alcohol isn’t flowing anymore, but everyone else is without really realizing it. Simon searches for Jayne when everything else becomes too little.

“Can I stay?” Simon begs.

Jayne nods, and Simon doesn’t remember ever being so relieved. He’s careful of Jayne’s perfectly wrapped bandages when he strips him. Jayne tries to help him with the hand he still has some use of.

“No,” Simon breathes against his skin. “You need to be careful. We need to keep those burns as sterile as possible." Jayne lies back; Simon pulls his pants off.

When he sees Jayne’s cock Simon has some snapshots of that other night, when everything was still miserable but there was something more to dull it.

He hears a cut off gasping sound and resists the urge to ask Jayne if he’s all right.

Jayne’s good hand slides through Simon’s hair; they smile weakly at each other.

“It’ll be all right.” It surprises Simon that he can still say that. He sucks down Jayne’s cock as much as he can and doesn’t stop until Jayne comes. Their eyes stay on each other the whole time.

“It’ll be all right.” They lie together and smile at each other. And maybe it will be.

fic, jossverse, firefly

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