Firefly ficlet, The Business of Men, Jayne/Simon

Jan 06, 2009 16:36

Title: The Business of Men
Words: 530
Fandom: Firefly
Notes: Set during the series. Jayne/Simon. For fiction_stadium.

Mal gritted his teeth. “You are sending us on a wild goose chase and that just ain’t sittin’ too pretty with me right now.”

The man writhing under Jayne’s forearm opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

“Let him talk.”

Jayne begrudgingly removed a certain amount of pressure from the man’s neck. The man gulped in air like a drowner before collapsing around Jayne’s arm.

“I told you not to hill him!” Mal hollered.

“Ain’t my fault you talked too long.” He grabbed the man by the shoulder. “’sides, he’s still breathin’.”

Mal grabbed the other arm. “Let’s take him to the doc.


Usefulness was something Jayne could appreciate in a body, especially when it showed up in Simon of all places in the verse.

The stirring of his nethers while watching the doc patch up the leg wound in their employer was something he did not.

The near-instant boner he got when Simon said, “Jayne, hand me those tongs and gauze” was downright shocking. So shocking that he almost lost the menacing grip he had on Vera.

“Jayne,” Mal barked. “there something the matter with you?”

He snapped out of it and reached for the tray nearest him-bumped Simon’s hand already around the shaft of the-

He moved Vera’s hilt to cover his dick. “Mighty borin’ watchin’ the doc fool around with this dillhole,” Jayne grunted.

“I wouldn’t have to had you not sliced so close to this man’s femoral artery.”

“Don’t answer why I have to stand here watchin’.”

Mal smiled all smarmy. “Well, Jayne, ou may just have to watch and learn from your mistakes. ‘sides, I figure if he wakes up to your smilin’ face, he’s liable to give us any information we ask for.”

“Ask for?” The doc raised an eyebrow.

“Politely, of course.” He patted Simon’s shoulder. “Man owes us some money.”


“He didn’t know shit,” Jayne grunted. “Damn fool was only wasting his daddy’s money on account of Inara refusin’ his business.” He set the weights back and sat up on the bench. He fixed the Sheppard with a stare. “Don’t that just figure. First job we get in-” He stopped dead when River ran into the cargo bay, Simon not far behind her. They ran into Inara’s shuttle.

Jayne’s reaction was almost instant. His eyes got huge as his blood got hotter.

“What the hell is goin’ on?” he muttered.

“May I suggest talking about it?” Book offered.

Jayne looked disturbed at the shuttle door. “I’m-confused.”

Book smiled at him. “in my experience, we all are.”

“Nah, preacher, this is serious. Swear to be you won’t breathe a word?”

“Of course.”

“I think-I-work up on the sly side of the bed this morning.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“It’s the doc! He’s-all of a sudden-I. Keep. Thinkin’ ‘bout him. In a...impure kind a way.”


“It’s. It’s...”



Just when the Sheppard started saying, “Well, in my,” Simon came out of the shuttle, bent over to pick something up.

Jayne’s dick got interested even faster than it had before. “I’ll be in my bunk,” he muttered.

jayne/simon, firefly

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