Fly by

Jul 11, 2016 20:49

I occasionally make grandiose plans to accept livejournal back into my life. While there is certainly an ease in sharing to facebook/twitter/instagram, there's so much more depth here. Or at least there was.

Life is both different, and the same. I've been in this apartment for 4 years, which is actually the longest I've lived in any one home (besides my childhood home). So used to moving every other year with school, and then after that with jobs, Katrina, etc. I'll have been in Chicago for 6 years come August. Still consider it a great city, still plan to stay for the unforeseeable future. I just think there are more opportunities here for me. I love Louisiana, but I am fine with visiting.

Frog is still amazing. She turned 13 in May. Blows my mind. I'm forever thinking I should get her a friend. But I don't think I'll find another cat as great as her.

I still love to eat. And to travel. And the color purple. I am still me. A little fatter, of course older, and definitely wiser. People seem so bothered by the years passing, but it doesn't bother me at all. I have no real agenda. I feel like life keeps getting better, or maybe I just get better at living. Not interested in having children, or even getting married really, so that biological clock that everyone complains about, with the ticking, it must be broken in me. But I don't feel broken at all.

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