More iPhone photos

Nov 15, 2011 13:19

Saw the Jellies at the aquarium

Manager said I could leave early if I had all my ducks in a row. So I made some ducks and put them in a row.

Mother came to town. Took architectural boat tour.

Cooked amazing burgers with my roommate.

Went to a Blackhawks preseason game! Trying to learn about hockey now.

Care package from KM when I got hired permanent.

Frog has become highly interested in my vodka.

Crazy people ran the marathon. I tracked a few friends on my phone.

The animals are pretty much all civil with each other.

Sometimes I dogsit for this retard.

There was a vodka special on southwest when I flew down to texass, so I had two.

My honey badger shirt!

Coworker brought a bunch of hats for Halloween. I borrowed this one and someone was like "whoa you just went back to Louisiana"

Awesome pin a friend found for me

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