Toasting T-Money

May 16, 2010 22:25

Tambry's birthday was last week, and Friday night I drove to New Orleans to celebrate with her.

Check out my ridiculous flower ring. Check out my dusty lens.

Walking to the Gold Mine in the French Quarter

Bourbon, 12am.

Mackenzie, Tambry, and Megan

Tambry, Sarah, and Huff, dancing the night away

I don't know what this game is, but I bet I'd be good at it.

Can you guess what's going on here?

Motorboat. Devon would be jealous.

Bourbon, 4am.

I drove us back to Tambry's and we crashed around 5am. And to think I'm normally up and almost at work by then.

I had Cane's for lunch before I left town to head home.

Then I finally used my aunt's Turbotax to file my state taxes (they were technically due that day, but because it's the weekend I had until Monday). I'm not even getting back half of what I had to pay for federal, but whatevs.

Tomorrow I will be bringing my car to the shop, because I think I might need CV joint replaced. (This is not my own assessment, as I have no idea what a CV joint does).

friends, photos 10, nola, cane's, birthday

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