Girls with Power Tools (and scissors and glue)

Jan 28, 2010 22:35

Meet Kristi and her drill

She's making a windmill

Soooo...Amsterdam has a Red Light District, and a flag with three X's. Well, we're creating a Pink Light District, complete with a flag with three X's. We rock the casbah.

Heather is cutting out cannabis.

Me + cardboard + boxcutter = lots of windows

Kristian painted things pink

Christine and Kristian also glitterized the tulips (you can't tell from far away).

The cannabis got glitterized as well

My lawn looks awesome (I won't mention the concrete is a lighter shade of pink)

Starting to look like buildings, right?

Glittered more flamingos

Hello Amsterdam skyline, aren't you pretty

projects, photos 10, pink

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