
Jun 30, 2013 14:42

Вернувшись в город по-летнему беззаботным, я без сожаления: расторг кабальный договр с редакцией, окончательно указал Насте К. на то место,которое она занимает в моей жизни и безапеляционно потребовал у п. Грушина убрать свои долбанные лыжи с моей территории в кладовке. Факт массовой порубки узлов привел меня в удовлетворенно-возбужденное состяние ( Read more... )

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aida13adia February 15 2014, 16:27:54 UTC
Armenians, brothers and sisters!

In April 2013 was created the Armenian Internet-Volunteer Army. Its main task, in the eve of the 100 anniversary of the genocide of our people, - combine active Armenians planet in the fight for their legitimate rights and interests. For over the past period had done a lot of organizational, information and analytical work.

Now, it's time to call in the army of volunteers. Those who, instead of systematically discuss worthless information in social networks, not only ready to tell the world of our bitter truth, but also to fight for the future of our nation all lawful means.

Only together we can speak out loud about international crimes against our people. The nation does not want those who loudly declares: «Ara, we, the Armenians, cool, eh!». The nation needs of those who is ready to prove their identity.

Armenian Internet-Volunteer Army (AIVA) requires people with active life position, who are able to work as a team through the coordinators to you, not just to tell the world about the atrocities against our people, but unite Armenians living in different parts of the world, for real actions.

We need journalists, lawyers, translators of Russian and Armenian languages other languages of the world, experts in the field of Internet-technologies, Analytics, philologists and historians.

Please note that we operate strictly within the international standards and do not violate the legislative acts of the States, which are home to our volunteers.

Naturally, in our ranks will penetrate the various intelligence to divide us from the inside. It is a common practice. The AIDA is on guard of the interests of each of us and the nation as a whole.

We are waiting for applications from volunteers at: AIDA-013@ya.ru Higher power help only those who fight for their future. Downstream floats only dead fish...

Coordinator AIVA Vrezh Bakyrakertce.

Armenian Internet-Volunteer Army operates thanks to the voluntary donations of the world spread Armenians. Yandex Money: 410012164869196


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