Oh fun!

Jan 23, 2003 18:35

Oh jeez! Today was so fun! After school, Cassie, Ashley, and I dicided we wanted to go to the mall. Then, we decided to call Megan and see if she wanted to come. So we went and picked her up. We almost had the Scoobie Gang, but Katie wasn't there(sorry, we missed you very much) Anywho, so we get to the mall, and as we are just in the entrance, Ashley goes to kick me in the butt. Well, instead she slid across the tile, and landed flat on her back! XD
It was the funniest thing. I almost lost one hundred doolars at the mall today. So if anyone would like to reply to call me stupid, feel free. So, Megan, Cassie, and soon Ashley got these matching dragon necklaces today. megan told me to get one, but yeah...It was kinda womanly. I'm still going to get my Kyou bracelet, probobly tomorow when I go get the second Fruits Basket. Oh, I got the second DVD of His and Her Circumstances today. I was going to get the manga today, but I decided to get 5 of the books of Sweep. The coolest Wiccan Fiction books ever! Well, Cassie's going to call me soon, so we can watch His and Her. Megan, we'll watch it agoin with you this weekend, you too Katie. Ha! You thought I forgot about you didn't you? Well not this time my friend! X
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