Apr 18, 2008 09:50
Life seems to have settled down some since the Jan-Feb-Mar All Trouble, All The Time theme. Knock on wood and praise be to the stars.
After the funding for his department's project was cancelled, Ian's future with the company was uncertain for weeks, but in the end he was offered a position in another department. They wound up laying off a third of the other people though. He is thrilled not to have to go job hunting, but not entirely happy with the position as it is not exactly in his field of expertise. So he is still under some stress but that seems to be lessening as he has discovered that no one else in that department seems to know what they are doing either. Apparently the project is pretty new.
I haven't been doing much. Still swimming, and still really loving it. Gliding through the water is so peaceful, and it's the most physically comfortable I am all day. Even when I'm sitting my feet hurt, and when I lie down my arms fall asleep; but when I'm in the water I am relaxed and cool and comfortable and I can really just enjoy the feeling of getting my body moving. I do about 30-40 minutes a day during the week and I'm never ready to get out when my time is up. So usually on Saturday I'll just swim and swim until I'm done. Last weekend I did laps for 90 minutes. Sometimes I go on Sunday too. Last week I was sick and was only able to go 4 days, and I was actually grumpy over the days I had to miss.
I had to go buy a smaller bathing suit last week. The one I had, never very attractive in the first place, was getting absurdly loose and saggy on me. Bathing suit shopping was NOT fun, but after trying on several cleavage-baring but ludicrously unsupportive $100 swimsuits at Lane Bryant, I decided if I was going to look crappy in a swimsuit then I might as well get one of the under-$30 ones from Walmart. As it turned out, a simple black Catalina tank suit provided just enough coverage and only cost me $16. I can't say I look GOOD in it, lycra stretched over a big stomach is not terribly sexy after all, but the plain tank that lets it all hang out still looks surprisingly better than the ones with all the drapy fabric and skirts and other "fat camouflage" that apparently just adds bulk and calls attention to itself.
I bought the same suit in a blue and white print fabric a couple of sizes down. If all continues to go well I should be wearing it by the end of summer. :)
Other stuff:
I am no longer a vegetarian, I just couldn't find a healthy way to eat that gave me enough variety. I'll still be incorporating a lot of meatless meals into my diet, however, and may try going veggie again in the future.
I petered out on the fabric art classes. It just moved too fast for me and on the weeks I tried to keep up, I wound up neglecting everything else. You should see the wreckage that is our apartment right now. The digging out is going quite slowly too, because for once in my life I am making exercise my top priority.
I'm still feeling those creative urges, however, and I am just beginning to get involved in making SoulCollage cards. I think this will suit me well right now, it is easy and enjoyable and has a New Age-y spiritual bent to it. As much as I am attracted to paganism and witchcraft and such, I have to admit that my spirituality is much more of a New Age/Buddhist hybrid.
I should have plenty of time for art-making and apartment digging-out this weekend. It's a no-money weekend for us, which is quite all right with me. All the things I want to do this weekend are close at hand and free anyway--my husband being at the top of the list. :)
I'd also like to get out for a nice long walk and enjoy the finally-springlike weather. There is a small forest preserve not too far from here that might be nice if it isn't too soggy.