Dec 06, 2007 04:32
My brother finally faxed me the info on his diet. It's a stripped-down version of LA Weight Loss (which is, I guess, one of those weight loss centers where you pay by the pound like Jenny Craig.) There were some basic menu plans in Women's World (Aug. 28) and he is just going by those.
The "secret" to this diet is carb cycling. (Various versions of carb cycling are popular with bodybuilders as well, from what I've seen on the 'net.) Basically, on two consecutive days per week you do low carb, and on the other days you eat small, balanced meals containing healthy carbs.
This is very similar to the diet I'm currently struggling with. And there is no reason I should be struggling, I just hate planning meals, measuring portions and farting around with counting calories & carbs; so after the first week or so I stop going by the lists and just try to "wing it" which generally leads to eating too much and eating things that I think are mostly on plan but in reality are just NOT. Just how did I manage to convince myself that McDonalds' deep-fried breaded chicken strips are an acceptable food for both low-carb days and lower-fat days? Or that a couple of tablespoons of "regular" salad dressing which obviously contains both sugar and plenty of fat doesn't count? Or that a small handful of candy every day also doesn't count? Or that sugar-free treats like pudding and ice cream can be treated like "free vegetables" and eaten with abandon?
I thought I'd been pretty much on plan this week, but obviously I have not. This weekend I am going to plan out all my meals for the coming week according to the actual diet in the book, as opposed to the adulterated version as re-written by my deranged mind.