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Aug 21, 2007 20:59

This insomnia business has got to stop.  I haven't been sleeping for shit lately.

The not-sleeping is one big reason I haven't been able to get my ass in gear to exercise.  I go to bed with good intentions but if I don't sleep well it's hard to get up in time to go.  I set the alarm for four this morning, and had every intention of getting myself to the gym by 5:30.  I must have woke up 10 times between 10 and 4.   Hourly bathroom trips brought on by the diuretic half of my BP med; a couple of coughing fits brought on by the ACE inhibitor half.  A nightmare that was just gearing up to be really nasty when it was thankfully interuppted by a potty trip.  Miscellaneous tossing and turning.  A middle of the night POOP, for chrissake, probably courtesy of the metformin.   And of course the ever-present backache that is unrelieved by any position or configuration of head or body pillows.

I took an antacid before bed to ward off the nightmares.  I left the window closed so as not to find myself gagging on my stupid neighbor's cigarette smoke and/or the chill, soggy midnight vapor off the pond.  I left the light on, because sometimes I seem to sleep better that way; but it didn't seem to help much, and then Ian turned it off when he came to bed later anyway.

When the alarm rang at four, I dragged myself out of bed (and to the potty, yet again) and stumbled to the living room where I promptly fell into the recliner to doze for another hour and a half.  It's actually much more comfortable for me there than in the bed, but there is too much chaos in the living room for me to try to sleep there at night.  The cats drape themselves over my face and lap, and more than once I've been startled awake by a fight between Luna and Thomasina taking place right in my lap.  Case is not a lap cat but he will rub his head against my feet for an hour at a stretch if I leave them hanging anywhere within reach.  My kid comes and goes at all hours, none too quietly.   It's too hot with the patio door closed but scary to leave it open while I sleep in front of it.

Thing is, and most annoyingly, I keep coming back to exercise as a solution to most of my complaints.  It's the lifestyle change of choice for blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.   If I want to get off these damn meds, I need to exercise.   If I want to lose weight so my back won't hurt me so much in bed, exercise needs to be a part of the plan.   I've got a bazillion minor complaints, and when I look into what might help fix them, exercise is always on the list.

I finally did get myself up with just enough time to do the 15 minute T-Tapp workout again, so that's progress.  No sense in training the evil self-sabotaging part of my brain that it can get out of exercise if it can arrange for a nightly battle with insomnia.   I ordered a book on sleep from Amazon today, and I hope it has some good ideas that will help.  I really don't want to have to take yet another drug.  Because that's just what I need at this point, more side effects.
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