May 24, 2006 14:07
I decided it would probably be a good idea to write my mom a note telling her that I'm moving out in a month so she should just chill out.yep.That was not a good idea.Last night when I came home, there was a two page note from my mom taped on the front door telling me that I either have to pay $110 a week to live with her or I have to clean the house for an hour every single day and 4 hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays.What the fuck??My mom is crazy!(sighs)I'm suppose to go talk to her today after I get off of work.I'm going to have to tell her me and Charles aren't friends anymore cause I think that's the only way anything is going to get better for me until I move out. So if any of you are ever around my mom for some reason, don't mention the name Charles ever for real.This is ridiculous.I wish she would just chill the fuck out like for real.damn..