I have been tagged by
ainariel_hime ainariel_hime a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag eight people.
1. Where did your LJ name come from?
-"Ami" comes from Sailor Moon, because she is my favourite character. ^^
-"Yanagi" comes from the first kanji of Nuriko's name. (means willow and also the name of an ancient Japanese constellation :3) I really love this word. <3
2. Who is your favorite writer?
- Anne Rice, J.R.R.Tolkien, Agatha Christie
Rowling would be in the row as well, if i could forgive her. T_T Ignore me, please. XD
3. What was the last text message you sent and to whom did you send it?
- To one of my student. It was about cancelling this week's lessons.
4. What was your last dream about?
-You mean the last one I remember...
About being taught how to ice scate.
5. Do you need music to study/write?
- I can't study without music. (well basically I can't live without music ^^""")
I can memorize things better with certain voices in the background.
6. What is the last song on your playlist?
- Yuki Kajiura - Break the sword of justice
7. Which is your favorite boyband? If you don't have one, then write here your favorite singer etc., please!
- KAT-TUN :3
8. What was the last book you read?
- Fukutake Tadashi - The Japanese social structure : its evolution in the modern century.
for my sociology exam. =___=;;;;;
9. What is your favorite movie genre?
- basically everything....I love comedies, action films, musicals, sci-fi films, fantasy....etc
10. What was the last thing you ate today?
- Virsli. XD
11. What is your favorite color?
- purple <333 and black. <3 and purple and black together. XD (But I like all the cold colours like blue and grey/silver)
12. What websites do you visit daily?
- Gmail, YahooMail, LJ, some forums, Facebook, Blogs
13. What's your favorite food?
- Hmmmmm.... Rántott karfiol <3 I could eat tons of it.
14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
First of all, I 'd like to speak Japanese fluently.... hahahaha... still far away from that T_T
And. I wish I could speak fluent Korean in the near future. ^^
15. Which Harry Potter character would you want to be if you had to choose?
- I think Hermione is the closest to what I'm like and she is my favourite girl-character too, BUT I would like to be Tonks, because I want my Lupin. <3333333333333333 Even if it wouldn't last so long. T__________________T
16. Do you have a birthmark?
- Yes. ^^
17. What is the newest CD/DVD you just bought recently?
- It wasn't recently but the last one I bought was Nightwish's Dark Passion Play album.
18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
- As for this year, hopefully in Japan. XDDDDD But any place is good for me as long as I am with my friends. ^_^
19. What do you do to fall asleep?.
- Last semester I was so tired I fall asleep without doing anything. XD
But I often listen certain songs on my mp3player before falling asleep in bed.
20. In which dorama and which character would you like to be?
I won't tag anyone, please do it if you are interested.