chris If I was a month I would be: július
If I was a day of the week I would be: szombat
If I was an hour of the day I would be: este 10 óra
If I was a planet I would be: Föld
If I was a sea animal I would be: teknős :)
If I was an address I would be: Vmi meleg éghajlatú ország címe xD
If I was a furniture I would be: könyvespolc
If I was a sin I would be: büszkeség
If I was a historical figure I would be: Darwin
If I was a liquid I would be: gyümölcslé
If I was a precious stone I would be: ametiszt
If I was a tree I would be: fűzfa :3
If I was a bird I would be: jégmadár
If I was a tool I would be: copic ér? xD mindenképpen vmi színezést elősegítő íróeszköz
If I was a flower I would be: liliom
If I was some kind of weather I would be: meleeeeeeeg nyár, kis szellővel
If I was a mythical creature I would be: elf/tünde *_____*
If I was a musical instrument I would be: zongora
If I was an animal I would be: kutya
If I was a color I would be: sötétlila
If I was an emotion I would be: szeretet
If I was a vegetable I would be: zeller
If I was a sound I would be: zene
If I was an element I would be: víz
If I was a car I would be: nem ismerem a kocsifajtákat túlzottan, de vmi kényelmes családi autó xD
If I was a song I would be: Misty Rain by Miyamoto Shunichi ^^
If I was a movie I would be: Vissza a jövőbe XD
If I was a book I would be: vmilyen mitológia-könyv
If I was a food I would be: ramen *_*
If I was a place I would be: Völgyzugoly *.*
If I was a taste I would be: feketecsoki-íz
If I was a smell I would be: valmi virágos, de nem túl intenzív
If I was a religion I would be: természeti erőkhöz kötődő...
If I was a part of the body I would be: szem
If I was a facial expression I would be: merengés
If I was a school class I would be: mindegy csak egyetemen legyen már
If I was a cartoon I would be: Fushigi Yuugi :)))
If I was a form I would be: trapéz
If I was a number I would be: 6
If I was a clothe I would be: egy hosszú goth szoknya sok csipkével és fűzős masnival
If I was jewellery I would be: fülbevaló
If I was an accessory I would be: sál
If I was a demonstration of affection I would be: ölelés, szuttyongatás
If I was an insect I would be: vmilyen sötét színű, de színes lepke