Title: Nature’s Gift
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge 702 ‘monthly’
Character(s): Ellie Bishop, Jethro Gibbs, Tim McGee
Summary: Nothing phases Agent Gibbs, not even that time of the month.
Nature's Gift
“Bishop, you coming?” asked Gibbs.
“Ah…” she hesitated. “I…”
McGee spotted the dark stain where she’d been sitting. “You’re bleeding? How-?”
“I’m not hurt,” Bishop said quickly. “I…”
Gibbs slid off his jacket. “Here. There’s a spare pair of pants in my go-bag. And a belt. Then check the glovebox.”
She beamed, using the jacket to cover the matching stain on her light-colored pants, and opened the glovebox. “It’s even my brand.”
McGee politely looked away from the tampon, but Gibbs nodded. “Good. You can use the head in the coffee shop and catch up to us.”
“Yes, boss.”
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