[Stargate: Drabble] "Not OSHA Compliant" [SG-22, G]

Mar 13, 2020 03:13

Title: Not OSHA Compliant
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 21, challenge 01, prompt 12 “Don’t loo k at me like that! That’s not even a smile, just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind!” (Faceman Peck, The A-Team)
Word Count: 271
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 are, as usual, less than enthusiastic about Gryff’s plan.

Not OSHA Compliant

“I’ve got an idea,” said Gryff, smiling, and her teammates all groaned. “What?”

“I know that smile,” Toby complained. “That smile is nothing but trouble.”

“More trouble than thirteen days’ forced labor in a naquadah mine?” she countered.

Jason leaned on his shovel. “Can we get back to you on that, sir?”

“No, I’m with Gryff on this one,” said Levi, wearily. “Let’s just get on with whatever shenanigans she’s got planned, so we can go home.”

“Shenanigans?” Gryff repeated, mock-offended.

“We’re all a little too tired to be impressed with your cleverness,” said Toby. “But we promise to be properly impressed later, when we’ve all had some sleep.”

“Absolutely, sir,” added Jason. “So, what’s the plan? And how much will it hurt?”

“You boys just need to be more careful when you start a riot,” she said.

“Silence!” roared a Jaffa guard.

Gryff stuck her shovel into the ground. “The union mandates a fifteen-minute break for every four hours of work!” she called after him.

“Impudence will be punished, human,” the guard said. “Now, work!”

“And we’re going to need to see your OSHA certification,” Gryff continued, as if she hadn’t heard him. “This isn’t even close to proper protective equipment and I for one-”

She was cut off by the butt of a staff weapon to the ribs. “Work!” the guard roared again, and left.

Toby snagged his CO by the elbow and towed her back to the section they were working. “So, boss, the plan?”

Gryff grinned again and took her shovel when he held it out to her. “Okay, boys, here’s what we’re going to do…”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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