[Stargate: Drabble] "Seventh Day" [SG-22, G]

Mar 12, 2020 02:20

Title: Seventh Day
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 21, challenge 01, prompt 09 ‘walk in the woods’
Word Count: 349
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 spend a week on an uneventful planet.

Seventh Day

“There is nothing on this planet,” said Levi, sounding a little out of breath.

It was SG-22’s seventh day on P9X-7441, nearly at the end of their exploratory mission. They’d arrived at local dawn the first day, and walked toward that planet’s magnetic north until dusk - about five miles from the gate - then walked back the next day, starting over the next morning in the opposite direction, then east and west. They kept a moderate pace, on the lookout for dangers or treasures.

The planet was fairly wooded, so the UAV had mostly sent back images of leafy treetops. It was late spring and the trees were full, the bushes and other plants were in bloom, and the temperature was just pleasant enough for them all to pull off their jackets.

And, so far, Levi was right.

They had seen traces of animals - birds and small mammals, most likely, from the noises, like walking through any forest on Earth. When the sun went down, about twenty-three Earth hours after local dawn, they’d pitched their camp and set a watch. Nothing had attacked them in the night, and they hadn’t encountered anything on the walk back that wasn’t just like what they’d seen on the way out. All of which gave this world good marks as a potential Alpha Site.

But the last direction they’d walked had been mostly uphill, through uneven rocky ground, and after a week of nothing but walking and sleeping outside, Levi was beginning to lose his cool.

“Just a little farther, Lee,” said Gryff, reassuringly. “And tomorrow night, we’ll be back home in our own beds.”

“Yeah,” added Jason. “It’s my turn to cook the next night, but I didn’t have anything planned. Any suggestions?”

“Ooh,” said Levi. “Is it still nice enough out at home to use the grill?”

“I think so,” Toby said. “It was supposed to be nice all this week.”

“Good,” said Levi. “I have a few ideas…”

Gryff smiled at her team, then resettled the straps of her pack. “C’mon, boys, let’s pick up the pace.”

“Yes, sir,” they chorused.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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