[Doctor Who: Drabble] "Every Hour Has Come to This" [Amy/Rory, G]

Nov 09, 2019 04:37

Title: Every Hour Has Come to This
Prompt: writerverse prompt ‘ “A Thousand Years” (Christina Perri)’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing(s): Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Setting: during episodes s5e12 “The Pandorica Opens”/s5e13 “The Big Bang”
Summary: Where the Pandorica goes, Rory follows.

Every Hour Has Come to This

Rory had accompanied the Pandorica back to Rome, managing to get himself assigned as its guard. When it was looted by the Franks, he joined in with them, and when it was captured by the Knights Templar, he followed them, too. He became its guard again at the Vatican, then followed it around Europe until London and the Blitz.

At last, it was moved to the National Museum and Rory was hired as night watchman. After a few decades, the people began to blur together - until he spotted familiar red hair.

For her, two thousand years had been worth it.


Current Mood:


drabble, writerverse, amy/rory, doctor who

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