[NCIS: Drabble] "On the Range" [G]

Oct 14, 2019 03:15

Title: On the Range
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: ncisdrabble100 challenge 659 ‘fight club’
Character(s): Jethro Gibbs, Jimmy Palmer
Summary: “You sure about that, Palmer?”

On the Range

“You sure about that, Palmer?” asked Gibbs, when the younger man had made his request. “You aren’t required to do this. And you could just wait until the next training session.”

“I know,” Jimmy said. “And I’m sure you’ll be harder on me than any of the regular instructors. But if I ever do need to use a gun, I want to be sure I know what to do with it.”

“Okay,” agreed Gibbs. “The range is usually free early afternoons. We’ll do once a week, unless there’s a case.”

“Really? Thanks, Agent Gibbs.”

Gibbs snorted. “Don’t thank me yet.”


Current Mood:


ncisdrabble100, drabble, ncis

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