Title: Something About a Stool
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge 657 ‘disability’
Character(s): Kasie Hines, Carol Wilson
Summary: “I didn’t mean to sound ableist”
Something About a Stool
“Thanks again for coming to look at this. The slide’s already in the microscope. Hang on, let me get you a stool-” Kasie froze, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry!”
Carol Wilson frowned.. “For what?”
“For implying - I didn’t mean to sound ableist. Dwarfism is no reason you’re not just as capable as anyone else. I didn’t even think, because the lab is still mostly set-up from when Abby was here and I need a stool sometimes.”
The other woman smiled. “She really was super tall, even without those shoes. But, you mentioned something about a stool?”
“Coming right up.”
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