[American Girl: Drabble] "Let There Be Light" [G]

Jul 02, 2019 02:40

Title: Let There Be Light
Prompt: ‘incandescent’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: American Girl (Samantha, 1904)
Character(s): Bridget O’Malley, Gard Edwards, Jenny O’Malley, Nellie O’Malley, Samantha Parkington, Cornelia Edwards
Warnings: none
Summary: “But where does the light come from?”

Let There Be Light

“But where does the light come from?” asked Bridget, in awe.

Uncle Gard smiled. “It comes in the wires,” he said. “The electricity travels miles and miles, right into our house, just to light up your room. Now, how about that?”

“Electricity,” repeated Jenny. “It’s so modern!”

“And much safer than gas or candles,” Nellie added.

“And,” put in Samantha, “we’re the first house on the street to have them!”

“All true,” agreed Uncle Gard. “My law firm has had them for months now, and I just knew we should have them here. Right, darling?”

Aunt Cornelia smiled. “Absolutely right.”


Current Mood:


american_girl, drabble, writerverse

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