[Legends of Tomorrow: Drabble] "Medical Kink" [Ray/Mick, G]

Jul 02, 2019 02:22

Title: Medical Kink
Prompt: ‘hot & cold’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G (really!)
Original/Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Pairings: Ray Palmer/Mick Rory
Character(s): Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Mick Rory
Warnings: none (really!)
Summary: Sara stopped short just inside the infirmary doorway.

Medical Kink

Sara stopped short just inside the infirmary doorway.

Ray was sitting in the chair farthest from the door, shirt off, while Gideon’s healing light was working on what looked like a pretty impressive burn across his right shoulder. Mick stood next to him - not necessarily odd, given Ray’s injury, but it was odd that he wasn’t wearing a shirt, either. And even odder that he was holding Ray’s hand.

Then Sara saw the tub of melting ice cream beside them, which matched the sticky hand-shaped smears across both men’s chests.

“I’m not even going to ask,” Sara said, and left.


Current Mood:


drabble, legends of tomorrow, mick/ray, writerverse

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