Title: Girls’ Day
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge 589 ‘Alexandra Quinn’
Character(s): Alex Quinn, Ellie Bishop
Summary: “I am so glad you suggested this.”
Girls' Day
“I am so glad you suggested this,” said Quinn, as they got out of the car. “A girls’ day is exactly what I needed.”
“I know,” Bishop agreed. “Don’t get me wrong, I like our team, but sometimes they’re just such… boys.”
“None of them ever really grow up. Can’t just enjoy themselves, like we can.”
“And they turn everything into a contest,” said Bishop. She stopped at the front desk to sign in, then passed the clipboard to Quinn. “Even this!”
“Whereas we can just enjoy ourselves,” the other woman agreed, and they walked into the shooting range, grinning.
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