Title: Hunt and Peck
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge 582 ‘stop’
Character(s): Clayton Reeves, Ellie Bishop
Summary: “That even looks painful. You need to stop.”
Hunt and Peck
“Okay,” said Bishop, after a long moment. “That even looks painful. You need to stop.”
Reeves blinked at her over the cubicle partition. “What?”
“Your hand,” she said, nodding to where he held his bandaged right hand awkwardly over the keyboard. “I just can’t listen to you hunt-and-peck anymore. Come here, I’ll type for you.”
“You will?” asked Reeves, gratefully. “Ducky says my hand’s fine, really, but these reports need to be finished by today.”
“It’s no problem. How far did you get?”
Bishop snorted a laugh. “I’ll start with a blank document, then?”
He smiled back. “Thanks, Ellie.”
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