Friday Five on Saturday

Jan 27, 2018 22:46

Stolen, as usual, from nakeisha

1. After your first language, what language would you most like to learn? (Say first language too)
English is my first and only language (unless you count British English as a separate language, which sometimes I do). I took Latin all through school up to my college minor, but it’s not really a language you can speak. I think I’d like to learn Spanish, just because it’s becoming so common here.

2. Does your country have a second language? What is it?
See above. America doesn’t technically have a language - we officially claim no one language. But since everyone here barely speaks English, let alone anything else, we really should just declare it English and offer government-funded classes to help immigrants learn. Spanish is the next-most common, depending on the region.

3. How many languages can you count to 5 in? To 10 in? List them.
Just to five? Several. English, Latin, French, German, Spanish. I can do up to ten in English, but get French and Spanish mixed up after seven.

4. What is the first overseas country you visited? And from where? (i.e./ Timbuktu to Mars)
When I was four, we moved from the US to England, where we lived for two years. We also took a trip from England to Denmark to visit Legoland.

5. What country do you most want to visit? And why?
I’d love to go back to England, I have so many good childhood memories there. I’d also like to visit Japan, since I enjoy several manga/anime that are set there and I’d love to see what it’s really like. And a tour of Europe in general, to visit as many museums, landmarks and libraries as I could.

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