Title: Series Problems
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge 546 ‘series’
Character(s): Abby Sciuto, Jimmy Palmer
Summary: Abby is a little annoyed about something.
Series Problems
“Hi, Abby,” said Jimmy, as he came into her lab. “I brought those samples you needed.”
“Thanks,” she said, and he frowned.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“It’s nothing,” said Abby, then sighed. “It really is, especially when we’re dealing with a murder. Me being… a little annoyed, is nothing.”
“Annoyed at what?” Jimmy pressed. “Did that book you were waiting for not come?”
“No, it did. But it’s half an inch taller than the first five books in the series!” Jimmy blinked at her, and she sighed again. “See, it’s stupid.”
“No, that sounds really annoying.”
Abby smiled. “Thanks.”
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