[Justice League: Drabble] "Be Prepared" [G]

Jun 29, 2017 23:12

Title: Be Prepared
Prompt: writerverse challenge 28 December table of doom, prompt 14 “I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.” (Benjamin Disreali)
Word Count: 300
Original/Fandom: Justice League
Character(s): Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne
Summary: “Do you really have a plan ready to defeat any of us if we go bad?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Be Prepared

“Do you really have a plan ready to defeat any of us if we go bad?” asked Clark.

“Yes,” said Bruce, then looked sideways at him. “You’re the one who gave me that piece of Kryptonite.”

“No, I know, but the fact that you’ve actually planned for your friends to turn on you, doesn’t that seem….”

“Cold?” Bruce suggested. “Heartless? Psychopathic?”

“Sad,” said Clark. “We’re your friends. You shouldn’t have to worry about ever fighting us.”

“If it makes you feel any better, most of the plans assume you’ve been brainwashed or taken over by an external force.”

Clark snorted a laugh. “It kinda does, actually. Does that make you feel better?”

The other man paused, then said, “Wayne Enterprises does a large amount of charitable work, to several groups and causes, but one of our biggest donations is always to Arkham Asylum.

“Arkham?” Clark repeated, surprised.

“Only a small percentage of the patients there are insane criminals,” said Bruce. “Most of them are just regular people who need help. I saw one of the psychologists at Arkham for a few years after my parents died, and it really did some good.”

“Bruce,” said Clark, gently, “you dress up like a bat to fight crime.”

“I didn’t say they fixed everything,” he replied, deadpan, then sighed. “I’m a glass-half-empty kind of person, Clark. And my brain is one of my only weapons - you all seem to forget I’m an ordinary human under this cowl.”

Clark smiled. “You are anything but ordinary,” he said. “But thank you, for looking out for us.”

“Hmm,” said Bruce. They were quiet for a moment, then he said, “I also have a plan to glue Wally to the floor, if he annoys me one too many times.”

“You don’t,” Clark laughed, but Bruce just smiled.


Current Mood:


drabble, justice league, writerverse

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