
Apr 03, 2017 22:53

Stolen from nakeisha, as usual:

1. What was your favorite past time in high school?

Reading. School-related, it was doing the sound for the fall play & spring musicals

2. What is your all-time favourite board game/card game?

Trivial Pursuit. For added fun, we use the 1981 version from when my parents were first married, so you have to know the 80s-era answer. We also play on teams, usually boys v. girls, especially when my aunt and uncle are over.

3. What is the last movie you saw at the theatre and what did you think of it?

Usually, it’s the newest Star Trek film, but Mom and I just went to see the live-action Beauty and the Beast yesterday, and it was very good.

4. What is something (no matter what kind of mood you’re in) that makes you happy the moment you do it, see it, or hear it?

Hmm, this is tough. I’m not really an excitable person, but one thing that’s guaranteed to tip me in favor of going somewhere instead of not going is funnel cake. It’s a sometimes food, but I only eat it about two/three times a year, so that’s probably all right

5.Do you believe that crop circles are made by human or alien?

Actually, I read a thing not too long ago that they think crop circles might be made by deer and/or other four-legged critters, who get a little wired on whatever they’re eating and jump around in the corn field.

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