[Batman: Drabble] "Paperwork" [G]

Mar 09, 2017 23:42

Title: Paperwork
Prompt: writerverse challenge #16 quick fic roundup, prompt “When ‘ere you make a promise” (Girl Scout song)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Batman (any version)
Character(s): Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Summary: “I know you never signed up for any of this.”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


“I’m sorry,” said Bruce, softly. “I know you never signed up for any of this.”

Alfred didn’t look up from where he was cleaning a gash on the younger man’s forearm. “I did, actually,” he said.


“When you were born, Master Bruce. Your parents’ wills would have been enough to make me your legal guardian, but they wanted to be certain I would have everything necessary to take care of you properly. There was a great deal of paperwork, let me assure you.”

Alfred fastened the bandage securely. “I signed up for you, Master Bruce.”

“Oh,” said Bruce, smiling.


Current Mood:


dc, drabble, batman, writerverse

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