
Jan 17, 2017 00:41

Stolen from meneleth

1. How old will you be in 5 years?
2. Who have you been together with for the last 2 hours?
Nobody - my parents went to bed a couple of hours ago, so I’m downstairs all alone
3. How tall are you?
4. What movie did you last see?
Rogue One, in the theater
5. Whom did you call last?
I do not like the phone, so it was probably answering a voice-mail at work.
6. Who called you last?
Again, somebody calling me at work
7. What was the content of your last SMS?
From my mom, I think she was out running errands and wanted to warn me she might be home late (she wasn’t)
8. Do you prefer to call or SMS?
Texting is so much easier!
9. What is your favorite place?
Anyplace where there are lots of books
10. What is your least favorite place?
Anyplace with a lot of people
11. When did you last see your mother?
A little after nine o’clock tonight, when she went to bed
12. What color are your eyes?
13. What's your favorite Christmas song?
Stille Nacht - that’s ‘Silent Night’ in German (I don’t speak it, but I grew up in a German Lutheran church, and we learned all the carols in German)
14. Are your parents married or divorced?
They have been married for a little over 34 years
15. When did you wake up today?
Today was a work day, so 7:30 AM (which is much, much too early)

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