Title: Handwritten Author: Ami Ven Prompt: (abysmally late) birthday present for nakeisha Rating: G Word Count: 300 Fandom: NCIS Pairing(s): Abby Sciuto/Tim McGee Summary: McGee gets a simple but heartfelt gift for his birthday.
It's just perfectly in character and made me both smile and sniffle just a little - but in a good way because it showed how much Tim is loved, not just by Abby but by them all in their own way.
Comments 3
I really, really love it.
It's just perfectly in character and made me both smile and sniffle just a little - but in a good way because it showed how much Tim is loved, not just by Abby but by them all in their own way.
Thank you so much for writing this for me. *Hugs*
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