[Original: Drabble] "Tea and Sympathy" [G]

Sep 06, 2016 22:19

Title: Tea and Sympathy
Prompt: writerverse challenge #12 weekly quick fic #6 prompts ‘tea & cookies’ & ‘unexpected heir’
Bonus: all dialogue
Word Count: 341
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original
Summary: “So, you’re a princess?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Tea and Sympathy

“So, you’re a princess?”


“A princess?”

“Technically, the Princess Royal. Now that the DNA tests have come back, the king has officially made me his heir.”


“Yeah. Pass the jam, will you?”

“How can you think about food at a time like this? Aren’t you freaking out?”

“I did that already. And I’m hungry. Do you know how exhausting it is, learning how to be a princess? This is the first chance I’ve had to sit down all day, tea with you.”

“Really? But don’t you get to, like, boss everyone around all day?”

“Ha! I’m the one who - Sorry, did you want more tea? It’s apparently rude to pour it for myself without asking.”

“Sure, I’ll have a little, thanks.”

“You’re welcome. And I’m the one who gets bossed around. I mean, it’s great, being a princess, but none of the fairy tales we need as kids ever mentioned how much work it is.”

“Oh. Is it really that bad?”

“No, no, not at all. I didn’t mean to worry you. You’re just the only person from home who’s come to see me, and I.. need to talk. I can’t say anything to the staff, because they work so much harder than I do, and it’s not their fault I’ve never been a princess before. And the king has been so kind, but I don’t want to bother him.”

“He is your grandfather, you know.”

“I know. We both know. But it’s hard to be close to someone you’ve just met. I know I’m going to love him, when we get to know each other - maybe I kind of love him already, but it’s going to take some time to really be family.”

“Yeah. But you’re okay? Really?”

“I’m really okay. But I’m also really, really glad you’re here.”

“Always. You know that.”

“I do. Now, you have to try one of these cookies with the pink icing. I’ve eaten them every day since I got here, and I’m not sick of them yet.”

“Well, in that case…”


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, writerverse

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