[Original: Drabble] "Once and Future" [Zeke Jones, G]

Sep 06, 2016 22:06

Title: Once and Future
Prompt: writerverse challenge #09 weekly quick fic #4 prompts “You’ve been chopped.” (Chopped) & The Once and Future King by T.H. White
Word Count: 351
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original Zeke Jones ‘verse
Summary: Jones and Howell bust two high school kids with a sword.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Once and Future

I’m less than a year away from thirty, but sometimes the kids in this city make me feel old.

“Okay,” I said, crossing my arms and trying my best to imitate Howell’s famous crime fighting scowl. “Tell it to me again, slowly.”

The two kids were high school freshman, according to their school IDs, not even old enough to drive, but they’d somehow gotten their hands on a sword, a real one, and decided to go on a vandalism spree in the park. They both gulped and for a moment I thought my scowl had worked, until I caught the motion of my partner, sword in hand, behind me.

“We were looking for King Arthur,” blurted the taller kid, Adam Lancing.

I blinked. “King Arthur,” I repeated. “Like, Camelot, Holy Grail, Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur?”

“We had this book,” said his friend, Gary Teng. “And, um, the internet and-”

“No, I get it,” I interrupted. “You’re idiots.”

“Jones,” rumbled Howell, in a tone that was not reproachful at all.

“He’s supposed to come back when he’s needed,” said Adam. “But we figured we could find him first.”

“He’s supposed to come back when England needs him,” I told them. “And you decided to find him by hacking through the park with a longsword?”

“We’re sorry,” muttered Gary.

I glanced up at Howell, who shook his head.

“That’s a start,” I said. “But this is serious. You did some significant damage to a public area, and we can’t just let you off with a warning. I’m talking serious, serious community service here.”

“Really?” asked Adam, looking up suddenly. “We’re not going to jail?”

“You didn’t hurt, or even threaten anyone,” said Howell. “You’ll need to repair or repay for the damage, of course-”

“Absolutely!” broke in Gary. “We totally learned our lesson, officers.”

I shared a look with Howell, then gestured for the two boys to get up, leading the way back toward our patrol car. I really hoped they had- I already had a headache from this case, and I hadn’t even started the paperwork yet.


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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