[Sailor Moon: Drabble] "Sunlit Joy" [G]

Jun 07, 2016 22:24

Title: Sunlit Joy
Prompt: writerverse challenge #34 quick fic amnesty, prompt ‘Luna (Sailor Moon)’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Sailor Moon
Characters: Luna, Tsukino Usagi
Summary: Luna and Usagi spend a quiet afternoon together.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Sunlit Joy

Bright golden sunlight shifted across the bed, and Luna stretched to follow it, resting her head closer to Usagi’s hip. The girl was sitting up against her pillows, reading something for a school assignment, and she slid her hand over Luna’s fur, stroking absently.

The cat stretched again, with pleasure this time, and began to purr softly.

These were the things she forgot about, when there were evil forces to be fought and new allies to be found. But they were the very things they were fighting for, the simple joy of sharing warm afternoon sunshine with a dear friend.


Current Mood:
[no image]

drabble, sailor moon, writerverse

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